A blog about the missing, the murdered, the mysteries, and more. Cases that need to be recognized by the public for what they are- and may this help justice finally be served in as many of them as is possible.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Susan Powell's Family and Friends Unite Against Husband - ABC News
Hooters Waitress Shot 9 times
UPDATE: Though Alissa Blanton applied for a restraining order just a week before her murder, Judge Dean Moxley denied the petition, saying he didn't have enough evidence -- despite 70 pages of harassing emails.
Roger Troy, 61, was apparently one of those guys who took the faux flirting of Hooters waitresses as genuine affection, rather than a naked attempt to get him to empty his wallet. And he took a special fancy to Alissa Blanton.
The young woman worked at the Hooters in Merritt Island, Florida until September of 2008. During that time, Troy became obsessed with her, though his initial passion appeared somewhat innocent.
"In the beginning Roger was a regular customer that came in daily and always sat in my section," Alissa would later write in a protection order taken out against him. "I gave him my e-mail one day because he continued to ask for my number. That way he knew my schedule. He never harassed me in the beginning."
But Troy began to consider it more than a waitress-customer relationship. "At the end of employment at Hooters, Roger always tried to walk me to my car at the end of the night, but he would stand and talk and hug me and so on. My manager John didn't like this. The customers are not allowed to touch any of the girls."
So her boss confronted Troy, warning him that touching was a no-no. But he seemed to believe that buying overpriced wings entitled him to more than a tight shirt and a smile. "He has said several times that he spent so much money there and on me, and he doesn't deserve to be treated this way (not talking to him)," Alissa wrote in her complaint.
"After this incident he stopped sitting in my section, and the e-mails started about how terrible I am and all about an ex-boyfriend I was dating. I moved to Orlando to be closer to new job and he began showing up there and e-mailing about seeing me. I reported it. Then got married and moved back to Brevard County and letters are coming and stalking here
Blanton got a job at an AT&T call center and married a coworker last August. But Troy's stalking only continued, becoming even more obsessed. "He states several times drove by my home, how he has seen me in Orlando. He describes how I look (like that I gained weight and cut my hair). He once came to my work at AT&T call center in Orlando, and blocked me in my car. (Parked his car behind mine and came to my window and put arms on window ledge.) Also, in letters, put in other remarks, like 'Wearing your seatbelt?' "
So a week ago, she took out a temporary restraining order against him. A hearing was scheduled for February 16. But Troy wasn't about to wait for that.
On Monday, he caught up with Alissa in a parking lot outside AT&T in Orlando and opened fire. Though details are still sparse, witnesses say he may have fired as many as a dozen shots.
Alissa later died at the hospital. Troy shot himself and was found dead at the scene.
UPDATE: Judge Dean Moxley denied Alissa Blanton's petition for a restraining order, even though she showed him 70 pages of harassing emails.
Despite this overwhelming evidence, Moxley ruled it wasn't enough and scheduled a hearing for February 16. In fairness to the judge, it wouldn't have helped much anyway. A man intent on murder-suicide has little fear of the law.
But it also shows how lightly some judges treat serial stalkers. In this case, Troy had stalked Alissa going on two years, following her as she moved and littering her lawn with menacing notes.
Meanwhile, neighbors of Troy say he moved to Florida from Ohio about 10 years ago. He ran a mail-order business from his condo and was viewed by neighbors as smart and opinionated.
He was also apparently a gun nut, often bragging about how many weapons he owned.
Why is this filed under justicebeserved? When is it going to get through to our legal system that when a person tries to get help from L.E., who genuinely needs it, it should be GIVEN?? SEE THE VERY FIRST PARAGRAPH OF THIS BLOG- WHEN THIS YOUNG WOMAN TRIED TO GET A RESTRAINING ORDER AND IT WAS DENIED!!
Murder weapon that reportedly killed Caylee Anthony
Pictures of the new evidence in Casey Anthony case
Make sure you check out the Caylee Daily posts of recent. Included are photos of the duct tape that prosecutors say was the murder weapon that killed little Caylee.
Below is the excerpt from the Caylee Daily blog that references these pictures.
Sources close to the investigation said that a a group of new pictures released Tuesday include images of what prosecutors said is the murder weapon used to kill Caylee Anthony.
According to sources, a strip of duct tape found on Caylee’s mouth is one of three prosecutors believe were used by Casey Anthony to suffocate her daughter.
Anthony’s defense maintains the tape is just a theory and the state has no definitive proof of the murder, citing that the state failed to find Anthony’s prints on the duct tape.”The biggest problem for the defense is that there can never be an innocent explanation for duct tape being fixed on a child’s face,” Orlando defense attorney Richard Hornsby said.
“Maybe her killer saw her eyes as she applied one piece, then two, then three so that no breath was possible,” he said.
Hornsby also said that the defense is validating the state’s theory by trying to cast doubt on Roy Kronk, the former meter reader who discovered Caylee’s remains. “The defense pointing at Roy Kronk as having used duct tape, they’re admitting to tape being affixed to her face and Caylee suffocating,” Hornsby said.
Also amid the documents released are photographs of the trunk liner taken from Anthony’s white Pontiac and the rare Henkel brand of duct tape found on Caylee’s small skull. The same type of tape was used by the Anthony Enlarged photos showed a knife with a strand of something sticking to it. The photos were submitted to an FBI laboratory for testing, but the knife could not be linked to the duct tape.
The trunk liner photographs showed a flaky substance and what look like small stains. Larger stains are visible on the back of the liner
Casey Anthony, 23, is in the Orange County Jail on no bond. She is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter.Caylee’s remains were found in a wooded area off Suburban Drive near the Anthony family home in Dec. 2008.Anthony maintains a nanny by the name of Zenaida Gonzalez kidnapped Caylee.
Source: WESH NEWS Orlando Florida 5:19 pm EST February 16, 2010
The ENQUIRER has learned Casey was overheard in jail describing the exact spot where she hid her 2-year-old girl’s remains.
And it was the 23-year-old murder mom’s own description of Caylee’s grave that led a meter reader to find the child’s body, sources say.
“Casey said she was able to drive her car into the wooded area about a half-mile from her Florida home near a school,” a source close to the case disclosed.
“Then she said, ‘When I got out of the car, I tripped over these bricks.’ She said she buried Caylee’s body nearby, and it was about 80 feet from the road.”
Casey’s stunning jailhouse admission, which prosecutors are now trying to use as evidence, came not long after she was arrested in July 2008, according to the source.
Her detailed description of Caylee’s final resting place was overheard by a prison employee at the Orange County Jail in Orlando, and spread among other staffers there, the source said.
Meter reader Roy Kronk heard the story from a female friend who works at the jail and decided to search for Caylee’s body, said the source.
In August 2008, he trudged into the woods near the location that had been described to him.
“Kronk was looking for the bricks that Casey said she tripped over,” said the source. “He found some brick pavers, but they weren’t the right ones.”
Kronk called the police with tips about Caylee’s location three times that month, but a deputy sheriff dispatched to the area didn’t do a thorough search.
A tropical storm then drenched the Orlando area and the wooded area became a swamp. But that didn’t deter Kronk.
Two weeks before Thanksgiving 2008, his son Brandon said Kronk told him: “I know where Caylee is, and I’m going to go get her.”
On Dec. 11, 2008, Kronk returned to the site and found Caylee’s remains.
“The only reason Roy Kronk found Caylee is that the body’s location had come to him in a roundabout way from Casey Anthony herself,” said the source.
Prosecutors learned about Casey’s jailhouse confession only recently, and filed a motion on Feb. 3 asking for a private meeting with the judge presiding over pre-trial hearings in the case.
According to the motion, prosecutors want the judge to delay their obligation to reveal the information to Casey’s attorneys as they continue to evaluate the new evidence.
Casey, who has pleaded not guilty, is facing the death penalty. Her admission could provide the key proof that leads to her conviction. SOURCE: NATIONAL ENQUIRER
And Finally, this:
New photos and documents that came out in the Casey Anthony case Tuesday just add to the more than 12,000 pages of evidence already released. But WFTV legal expert Bill Sheaffer says the mountain of evidence does not suggest any suspect other than Casey.
Eyewitness News was in court when the defense claimed they had proof that someone else killed Caylee. So, where is that proof? In a word, nowhere.
The defense was supposed to produce it to prosecutors two weeks ago. Nothing in the 12,419 pages of evidence released so far, including the newly-released photos of laser testing for body fluids on the carpeting in Casey Anthony’s trunk and evidence found by WFTV of more of the rare duct tape connected to the Anthonys that matches up to the tape found over Caylee’s nose and mouth, shows anyone but Casey was involved.
“It is certainly consistent with the state’s theory of the case, reinforces the state’s theory of the case and inconsistent with what we’re hearing from the defense that it could’ve been someone else involved with this crime,” Sheaffer told Eyewitness News Tuesday.
Six months ago, the defense said it had substantial evidence that someone else put Caylee’s body in the woods after Casey was locked up on no bond. The judge’s deadline for the defense to produce that evidence was two weeks ago.
It never happened, but the defense is still trying to get documents from EquuSearch volunteers and trying to convince prosecutors to focus on former meter reader Roy Kronk, who found Caylee’s remains in the woods and says he first saw them there months earlier.
“The time has come to produce it. They haven’t been able to, so what do they do? They go out and keep fishing and hope like heck they catch that fish,” Sheaffer said.
Now, prosecutors might have new evidence against Casey. Investigators are looking into it and prosecutors are asking for a hearing with the judge so they can keep it a secret even from the defense until they sort it all out.
Make sure you check out the Caylee Daily posts of recent. Included are photos of the duct tape that prosecutors say was the murder weapon that killed little Caylee.
Below is the excerpt from the Caylee Daily blog that references these pictures.
Sources close to the investigation said that a a group of new pictures released Tuesday include images of what prosecutors said is the murder weapon used to kill Caylee Anthony.
According to sources, a strip of duct tape found on Caylee’s mouth is one of three prosecutors believe were used by Casey Anthony to suffocate her daughter.
Anthony’s defense maintains the tape is just a theory and the state has no definitive proof of the murder, citing that the state failed to find Anthony’s prints on the duct tape.”The biggest problem for the defense is that there can never be an innocent explanation for duct tape being fixed on a child’s face,” Orlando defense attorney Richard Hornsby said.
Hornsby said that the number of pieces of tape and where they were placed is critical.”The fact that there was more than one piece and they were used to block the airways, clearly that’s where the state is going to argue the premeditation comes from,” Hornsby said.
The state attorney has denied comment, but in a December hearing, prosecutor Jeff Ashton first laid out his theory. “Maybe her killer saw her eyes as she applied one piece, then two, then three so that no breath was possible,” he said.
Hornsby also said that the defense is validating the state’s theory by trying to cast doubt on Roy Kronk, the former meter reader who discovered Caylee’s remains. “The defense pointing at Roy Kronk as having used duct tape, they’re admitting to tape being affixed to her face and Caylee suffocating,” Hornsby said.
Also amid the documents released are photographs of the trunk liner taken from Anthony’s white Pontiac and the rare Henkel brand of duct tape found on Caylee’s small skull. The same type of tape was used by the Anthony Enlarged photos showed a knife with a strand of something sticking to it. The photos were submitted to an FBI laboratory for testing, but the knife could not be linked to the duct tape.
The trunk liner photographs showed a flaky substance and what look like small stains. Larger stains are visible on the back of the liner
Casey Anthony, 23, is in the Orange County Jail on no bond. She is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter.Caylee’s remains were found in a wooded area off Suburban Drive near the Anthony family home in Dec. 2008.Anthony maintains a nanny by the name of Zenaida Gonzalez kidnapped Caylee.
Source: WESH NEWS Orlando Florida 5:19 pm EST February 16, 2010
Also from this site, is the following information that was gleaned from the Enquirer:
IN a dramatic jailhouse confession, Casey Anthony revealed where she buried her precious daughter’s body!The ENQUIRER has learned Casey was overheard in jail describing the exact spot where she hid her 2-year-old girl’s remains.
And it was the 23-year-old murder mom’s own description of Caylee’s grave that led a meter reader to find the child’s body, sources say.
“Casey said she was able to drive her car into the wooded area about a half-mile from her Florida home near a school,” a source close to the case disclosed.
“Then she said, ‘When I got out of the car, I tripped over these bricks.’ She said she buried Caylee’s body nearby, and it was about 80 feet from the road.”
Casey’s stunning jailhouse admission, which prosecutors are now trying to use as evidence, came not long after she was arrested in July 2008, according to the source.
Her detailed description of Caylee’s final resting place was overheard by a prison employee at the Orange County Jail in Orlando, and spread among other staffers there, the source said.
Meter reader Roy Kronk heard the story from a female friend who works at the jail and decided to search for Caylee’s body, said the source.
In August 2008, he trudged into the woods near the location that had been described to him.
“Kronk was looking for the bricks that Casey said she tripped over,” said the source. “He found some brick pavers, but they weren’t the right ones.”
Kronk called the police with tips about Caylee’s location three times that month, but a deputy sheriff dispatched to the area didn’t do a thorough search.
A tropical storm then drenched the Orlando area and the wooded area became a swamp. But that didn’t deter Kronk.
Two weeks before Thanksgiving 2008, his son Brandon said Kronk told him: “I know where Caylee is, and I’m going to go get her.”
On Dec. 11, 2008, Kronk returned to the site and found Caylee’s remains.
“The only reason Roy Kronk found Caylee is that the body’s location had come to him in a roundabout way from Casey Anthony herself,” said the source.
Prosecutors learned about Casey’s jailhouse confession only recently, and filed a motion on Feb. 3 asking for a private meeting with the judge presiding over pre-trial hearings in the case.
According to the motion, prosecutors want the judge to delay their obligation to reveal the information to Casey’s attorneys as they continue to evaluate the new evidence.
Casey, who has pleaded not guilty, is facing the death penalty. Her admission could provide the key proof that leads to her conviction. SOURCE: NATIONAL ENQUIRER
And Finally, this:

Eyewitness News was in court when the defense claimed they had proof that someone else killed Caylee. So, where is that proof? In a word, nowhere.
The defense was supposed to produce it to prosecutors two weeks ago. Nothing in the 12,419 pages of evidence released so far, including the newly-released photos of laser testing for body fluids on the carpeting in Casey Anthony’s trunk and evidence found by WFTV of more of the rare duct tape connected to the Anthonys that matches up to the tape found over Caylee’s nose and mouth, shows anyone but Casey was involved.
“It is certainly consistent with the state’s theory of the case, reinforces the state’s theory of the case and inconsistent with what we’re hearing from the defense that it could’ve been someone else involved with this crime,” Sheaffer told Eyewitness News Tuesday.
Six months ago, the defense said it had substantial evidence that someone else put Caylee’s body in the woods after Casey was locked up on no bond. The judge’s deadline for the defense to produce that evidence was two weeks ago.
It never happened, but the defense is still trying to get documents from EquuSearch volunteers and trying to convince prosecutors to focus on former meter reader Roy Kronk, who found Caylee’s remains in the woods and says he first saw them there months earlier.
“The time has come to produce it. They haven’t been able to, so what do they do? They go out and keep fishing and hope like heck they catch that fish,” Sheaffer said.
Now, prosecutors might have new evidence against Casey. Investigators are looking into it and prosecutors are asking for a hearing with the judge so they can keep it a secret even from the defense until they sort it all out.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Renee Pernice
The following information was taken from the myspace page set up for Renee Pernice.
The link to that page is here:
Justice for Renee
Renee Pernice has been missing since January 1, 2009. Any tips or information related to Renee's disappearance should be reported to the Tips Hotline at 816-474-TIPS. There is a $25,000 reward.
Here are the facts that have been made public concerning the first week of Renée’s disappearance. All known facts in the case cannot be published due to the ongoing death investigation being carried out by the Kansas City Missouri Police Department and the Clay County Prosecutor’s Office. • On January 2, Shon was suppose to be leaving to attend a training session with the MO. National Guard. Instead, at around noon, he got the boys from the neighbor’s and picked up his daughter from her mother’s house. Later in the evening his daughter became distraught that Renée was not there and emailed her mother around 9:30pm asking to come home. • On Saturday, January 3, approximately 4:30am, Shon left his 11, 8, and 6 year old children alone (while they were sleeping) at home to go to Fire Station #5. He used his keycard to enter Fire Station #5’s Hazmat storage area. This area stores chemicals used for clean-up of hazardous spills, etc. Shon, an EMT for the Independence, MO, fire department was assigned to Fire Station #7, and he was not even supposed to be working at that time because he was on leave to attend his MO. National Guard training. • On Saturday, January 3, the mother of Shon’s daughter picked her up, cutting short the normal visit. • On Saturday, January 3, a family member called Renée’s home to speak to Renée. Shon answered and said that he did not know where Renée was. Family members called 911. Shon Pernice has given conflicting information on when he last saw Renée. He told a family member it was on January 1. He told police it was on the morning of January 2 between 9 and 10am. • At approximately 3:00pm, family members met Officers at Renee’s home. Family members along with officers entered the residence. They discovered that no one was home. They also discovered that Renee’s purse, vehicle, personal hygeine items and coat were at the residence. They noticed that Renee’s wallet, credit cards and cell phone were missing. Renee’s vehicle was in the garage. • While at the residence a call came in to a family member from Renée’s cell phone. (It was approximately 4pm. ) A homeless man had found the phone at approximately 1am that morning (1/3/09) on the ground in the northeast part of KCMO, approximately 12 miles from Renée’s home. Police sent a patrolman to pick up Renée’s phone from the homeless person. The family filed a missing person report while at the residence. • Shortly after the call Shon and 2 attorneys came in the house and ordered the family and police to leave. Shon’s attorneys said that Shon would not be speaking to family members or the police except through his attorneys. • On Sunday, January 4, Renée’s family immediately printed up posters and began posting flyers. They also searched portions of Kessler Park close to where Renée’s cell phone was found. In addition, they contacted the local news stations asking if they would broadcast the news of Renée’s disappearance. • On Monday, January 5, Detectives found divorce documents at Renée’s place of employment. They also found a photo of Shon with one of the children and an unknown woman in the file. • On Tuesday, January 6, in the evening, Shon drove to Line Creek Park, approximately 1.5 miles from Renée’s house and let the family dog out of the van and left. Detectives who were observing Shon retrieved the dog. • Shon Pernice has not cooperated with police and will only speak through his attorneys. It took until January 7 for police to obtain a warrant to search Renée’s house and January 9 for the car. AFFIDAVITS THAT CONTAIN MUCH OF THIS INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND AT THE FOLLOWING LINKS -
For the latest flier, click below:
Latest Flyer
- On January 21, 2010, Renée's mother, Linda Lockwood, and her step-father, Doug Lockwood, were awarded legal guardianship of her two sons. The Lockwoods would like to give special thanks to their attorney, Mr. James Ralls, Jr., for the outstanding job he performed with this difficult action. They would also like to thank all the people who contributed information to their case. The Lockwoods have had temporary guardianship since 7/20/09 after filing an emergency motion with the probate court following Shon Pernice's arrest for 2 counts of "Tampering With a Victim/Witness or Attempt Tampering w/Victim in a Felony Prosecution" and 2 counts of "Endangering The Welfare Of A Child, 2nd Degree". They continued with their case for full guardianship that was filed on 3/5/09. Documents made public can be found at
Here is a link to a news story that was run October 12, 2009 related to Renée's disappearance. There is a video and write-up. There are many new photos of Renée. Please call the TIPS HOTLINE if you have any information
A Golf Tournament was held Saturday, September 26th at Hoot's Hollow in Pleasant Hill with proceeds going to the "Justice for Renée" fund. It was a huge success with many family and friends participating. The proceeds from the tournament will help Renée's family with ongoing legal expenses, to keep the reward in place, as well as support Renée’s two young sons. Renée's family wish to thank the organizers for their hard work putting it together and the participants for their support and encouragement.
Ride for Renée------July 18, 2009------The event was a huge success! Thanks to all who took the time to come out. Renée’s family wishes to also thank all who have previously donated to the “Justice For Renée” fund and all the individuals and businesses that have donated cash, merchandise and prizes in support of this event. It was amazing to see the long line of orange rolling down the road. This really made a statement to the public!! - FUNDRAISERS - - First National Bank is offering bracelets/wristbands that say "Justice for Renée" for a $5 donation and cookbooks dedicated to Renee for a $10 donation as fundraisers to help with expenses such as legal fees associated with Renée's disappearance and the Guardianship case, large billboards and flyers. The monies raised through this effort will be deposited into the Justice for Renée Fund at Edison Credit Union. Anyone who is interested, can pick them up at the following First National Bank (logo is a circle with a 1 in the center)locations: 6201 College Blvd, Overland Park, KS 66211 (College & Lamar)-- 4650 College Blvd, Overland Park, KS 66211 (College & Roe)-- 9700 Metcalf, Overland Park, KS 66212-- 6301 Pflumm, Shawnee, KS 66216 (Shawnee Mission Parkway & Pflumm)-- 2828 Shawnee Mission, Fairway, KS 66205-- 8800 W 135th, Overland Park, KS 66221 (135th & Antioch)-- 13518 S Alden, Olathe, KS 66062 (135th & Blackbob)-- Please send a message to this myspace site if you are from out of town and would like to know how to order a bracelet/wristband or a cookbook. Of course, we would most appreciate your wearing the bracelet/wristband to show others your support in finding Justice For Renée. The recipes in the cookbook have all been provided by Renée's friends, family and employees of the bank. Thank you to all for the help and support you have already given and thank you to all who have already donated.
- LETTER WRITTING CAMPAIGN - 6 letters have been drafted; all you have to do is print, sign (or leave anonymous) and mail. Our goal is to increase awareness of the situation and let officials know we need answers. The public's voice needs to be heard and we need your help. (When Renee's family receives a sufficient response from the official, we will remove the letter from the list.) Each letter has it's own linkCURRENT RESULTS OF LETTER WRITING CAMPAIGN: - 3/6/09 Response received from Clay County Administrator Alexa Barton. She stated she had no responsibility over the Missouri National Guard and, therefore, could not help us in that way. She did say that Renee and Renee's family were in her thoughts and expressed sorrow over Renee's family's loss. - 3/13/09 Response received from Independence City Manager Robert Heacock. He referred us to thewww.independencemo.org website (Departments, Human Resources, Policies & Procedures) for the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual. He stated the City maintains and periodically updates inventories of materials and supplies. He also stated that the current alcohol and drug policy does not provide for random testing within the Fire Department, but only for-cause testing. He expressed sympathy for Renee's family and said the City of Independence is cooperating with other jurisdictions in searching for a complete resolution. - 3/13/09 Response received from Jackson County Executive Michael Sanders. He expressed his concerns about the case and his belief that justice would proceed through the criminal justice system. Renee's family implied from his letter that he has no authority associated with the Missouri National Guard.
2/25/09: Police Arrest Shon Pernice On Theft Charge - Shon Pernice was arrested Wednesday, 2/25/09, for allegedly trying to steal a gun, according to court documents. The probable cause statement can be found at ..He was released on bond on 2/26/09. He is forbidden to possess any firearms while his case is pending. He is scheduled to appear in court on 3/31/09. 3/31/09: Shon Pernice appeared in court where a continuation was granted until 5/5/09. 5/5/09: Shon Pernice appeared in court where the preliminary hearing was set for 6/24/09. 6/24/09: Shon Pernice appeared in court and waived reading of the Information/Indictment and entered a plea of not guilty, 7/2/09 the trial date will be set. 7/2/09: Shon Pernice appeared in court, the Jury Trial date was set for 1/25/10. 1/21/10: Shon Pernice appeared in court for motion hearing. His attorneys want to have a look at the victim's home nearly a year after the alleged theft. The victims do not want them in their home. Because of that, his attorneys want the case thrown out. Prosecution will present their arguments to the court. The judge will hear arguments on 3/5/10. A motion hearing will be held on 6/18/10. A Pre Trial Conference will be held on 7/1/10. Jury Trial is now scheduled for 7/12/10.Books
7/5/09: Police Arrest Shon Pernice for Disturbing the Peace - Witnesses said Pernice was at a neighborhood park celebrating the Fourth of July with his two sons. Neighbors said Pernice left just after midnight. They said he put his kids in the back of his van and drove away, nearly taking out a mailbox. Neighbors said Pernice stopped at a house where he got into a confrontation with a man who, they say, Pernice had been harassing earlier in the day. More on this story athttp://www.kctv5.com/news/19958629/detail.html. 7/17/09: Arraignment. Shon Pernice, in custody, appeared in court. He was indicted by the Grand Jury on 2 counts of "Tampering With a Victim/Witness or Attempt Tampering w/Victim in a Felony Prosecution"and 2 counts of "Endangering The Welfare Of A Child, 2nd Degree". 7/21/09: Meredith Corp. (KCTV5) files motion objecting to "Denying Request for Media Coverage". 8/21/09: Shon Pernice bonds out of jail. Motion Hearing Held. Jury to be selected from Greene County, MO. Jury trial set for 3/29/10 in Liberty, MO.
Friday, February 12, 2010
In Memory of Morgan Dana Harrington, and a Plea for Justice
Morgan Dana Harrington went missing from a Metallica concert in Charlottesville, Virginia. Her body was discovered on a remote farm outside Charlottesville around January 26, 2010, more than 100 days after she disappeared on October 17, 2009. The following is in memory of Morgan, and a plea that if anyone knows who was responsible for her death, to please do the right thing, and come forward, bring what you know to the authorities, and help Morgan's family get some closure.
Rest in peace Morgan. 2-4-1
The following was posted on the blog that Morgan Harrington's mother was running:
The world has lost its best hugger. The incomparable Morgan Dana Harrington was torn from us on October 17, 2009.
Morgan, age 20, was a shiny, loving, beautiful original. She was very much loved by her family, her friends, and her community, which has now expanded to include much of the world. We cherish the time we had with Morgan and are grateful for the breadth and variety of experiences we were able to share in her tragically abbreviated life.
Morgan was born on July 24, 1989 in Charlottesville, Virginia and killed there in October 2009. She was an avid music fan, a champion of children’s rights, and planned a career in education.
To recognize some of Morgan’s passions we ask that, in lieu of flowers, gifts to honor Morgan’s memory be made to the Morgan Dana Harrington Memorial Scholarship at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine or to OMNI – Orphan Medical Network International, an organization that provides medical care in Africa. Scholarship donations may be mailed to: Virginia Tech, Attn: Gift Accounting, University Development (0336), Blacksburg, VA 24061, and OMNI donations to 6930 Empire Lane, Roanoke, VA 24018.
Our reconfigured family, Dan, Gil and Alex plan on honoring Morgan with a Mass on February 5, 2010 at 3:30 PM at St. Andrews Catholic Church in Roanoke, Virginia followed by a reception to celebrate Morgan’s life at the Hotel Roanoke.
We are grief stricken by her death but also lifted by the knowledge that Morgan Dana Harrington was precious to so many and will not be forgotten. She mattered, to us all.
2 4 1
Rest in peace Morgan. 2-4-1
The following was posted on the blog that Morgan Harrington's mother was running:
The world has lost its best hugger. The incomparable Morgan Dana Harrington was torn from us on October 17, 2009.
Morgan, age 20, was a shiny, loving, beautiful original. She was very much loved by her family, her friends, and her community, which has now expanded to include much of the world. We cherish the time we had with Morgan and are grateful for the breadth and variety of experiences we were able to share in her tragically abbreviated life.
Morgan was born on July 24, 1989 in Charlottesville, Virginia and killed there in October 2009. She was an avid music fan, a champion of children’s rights, and planned a career in education.
To recognize some of Morgan’s passions we ask that, in lieu of flowers, gifts to honor Morgan’s memory be made to the Morgan Dana Harrington Memorial Scholarship at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine or to OMNI – Orphan Medical Network International, an organization that provides medical care in Africa. Scholarship donations may be mailed to: Virginia Tech, Attn: Gift Accounting, University Development (0336), Blacksburg, VA 24061, and OMNI donations to 6930 Empire Lane, Roanoke, VA 24018.
Our reconfigured family, Dan, Gil and Alex plan on honoring Morgan with a Mass on February 5, 2010 at 3:30 PM at St. Andrews Catholic Church in Roanoke, Virginia followed by a reception to celebrate Morgan’s life at the Hotel Roanoke.
We are grief stricken by her death but also lifted by the knowledge that Morgan Dana Harrington was precious to so many and will not be forgotten. She mattered, to us all.
2 4 1
What has become of Susan Powell?
What Susan Powell's Friends and Family Want Us to Know
Please make sure you click on the above link and read what Susan Powell's family and friends feel about her. It's heart wrenching to think that she may have been taken away from them forever.
I have my own personal suspicions as to what happened, as well as probably thousands of other people do. To me, it is so obvious what happened, it's sickening to realize that the police haven't acted on it anymore than what they have.
To Susan Powell's family and friends, I hope you know my prayers are with you, and I pray that justice be served.
Joshua Powell’s sister-in-law, Jennifer Graves, and her husband Kirk, are disappointed and do not believe Josh has done all he can to help find his missing wife, Susan Powell.
The Graves traveled from their home in Utah to Washington State Friday to visit family and to have dinner with Josh and his two sons, Charlie, now 5, and Braden, now 3.
The topic of Susan and her disappearance were not discussed.
When Kirk was asked if the topic came up after dinner he declined to answer.
Both Jennifer and Kirk have changed their tone toward Josh and have grown increasingly disappointed. Jennifer says Josh's demeanor toward her and her family have completely changed since Susan disappeared and that while Josh used to be very talkative he hardly ever talks now. The Graves do not believe Josh has done all he can to help find his wife. "I've been disappointed with his efforts. He hasn't put enough effort in, in my opinion," Jennifer Graves said. "He's chosen to work away from the media, which is our biggest tool right now."
The Graves traveled from their home in Utah to Washington State Friday to visit family and to have dinner with Josh and his two sons, Charlie, now 5, and Braden, now 3.
The topic of Susan and her disappearance were not discussed.
When Kirk was asked if the topic came up after dinner he declined to answer.
Both Jennifer and Kirk have changed their tone toward Josh and have grown increasingly disappointed. Jennifer says Josh's demeanor toward her and her family have completely changed since Susan disappeared and that while Josh used to be very talkative he hardly ever talks now. The Graves do not believe Josh has done all he can to help find his wife. "I've been disappointed with his efforts. He hasn't put enough effort in, in my opinion," Jennifer Graves said. "He's chosen to work away from the media, which is our biggest tool right now."
And today, they’ve decorated her house in purple ribbons, her favorite color. Josh was not present at the house when it was being decorated. Critics ask, “Isn’t that trespassing?”
Josh moved to Washington Jan. 11 after he lost his job and felt he would not find work again in his community.
Now everyone is trying to get back into normal routines, but that’s not going to be easy so long as Susan is missing.
"It's going to be awhile before it gets back to normal," Jennifer Graves said. "Just keep looking. Keep looking for her."
Now everyone is trying to get back into normal routines, but that’s not going to be easy so long as Susan is missing.
"It's going to be awhile before it gets back to normal," Jennifer Graves said. "Just keep looking. Keep looking for her."
And, one last excerpt:
Susan Powell's parents have a message for Josh
Parents to son-in-law: It's time to stop hiding and start cooperating with police as they search for Susan.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Anthony Family: Part 1
This blog is the beginning of a short series focusing on the Anthony family, the murder of little Caylee Anthony, Casey Anthony and her actions leading up to, during, and after the time period when her daughter vanished, as well as other key 'players' in this horrible tale of tragedy.
Casey Marie Anthony was born March 19, 1986, in Warren, Ohio. Caylee's mother, has been charged with the first degree murder of her daughter.
She was first arrested on July 16, 2008 for giving false statements, neglect of a child, and obstruction of a criminal investigation with a request that she be held on a no bond status until Caylee Anthony was located. She was arrested again on August 29, 2008, on charges of forgery, fraudulent use of personal information, and petty theft for forging $700 worth of checks and using her friend's credit cards without permission. On September 5, 2008, Casey Anthony was released again on bail after being fitted with an electronic tracking device. On 14 October 2008, Casey Anthony was indicted by a grand jury on charges of first-degree murder and was arrested for the fourth time.
Casey is a sociopathic, superficial sensationalist. To a mental health professional, she fits the description of someone with an antisocial personality disorder, or in other words a sociopath.
The disorder is recognizable by a lack of concern for others, as is clearly shown by her behavior after Caylee disappeared. She did not call 911 to report her daughter missing (her mother, almost a full month after the last time that little Caylee was seen). While her daughter was missing, Casey was out partying, living it up on money she stole from a friend. (After having lied to everyone about being employed when she wasn't).
Casey has consistently displayed contempt towards authority figures, masked by a thin veneer of civility. Listening to the police tapes, it is easy to see that Casey appears to be quite respectful to the police interviewers. She portrays herself during these interviews as one who has been wronged by a (fictitious) babysitter named Zanny, who, according to her story, kidnapped her precious daughter Caylee. Casey has been, according to her and to her family, a victim herself. The problem is that Casey tried to come off appearing as a mother who was only interested in finding her child, but at the same time, all she was doing was creating one story after another, and everytime she got caught in a lie, she told another one that wound up being bigger and better than the last one. She was of no help whatsoever to the police, as one would have expected a frantic mother whose child had been missing for a month to have been.
Psychopaths are superficially charming in their ongoing attempts to get their own way. Casey has the capacity to read others quickly and recognize their vulnerabilities. Once recognized, she knows how to exploit others' weaknesses. She seems to have no qualms about violating the rights of others. Casey stole her friend's checkbook and wiped out her bank account, and not a cent of the money was spent on Caylee.
It is typical for sociopaths to engage in illegal or deceitful behaviors. Compulsive lying is the norm. Guilt and remorse are not in their vocabulary. All sociopaths are incapable of feeling sorrow or sadness for their wrongdoings and destructive behaviors. Any tears you might see are for themselves. “I am crying because I got caught, not because I am sorry for anything I have said or done.” On some level, a sociopath takes perverse pleasure in getting away with illegal, irresponsible behaviors. Yes, a sociopath takes great joy in taking from others. "Joy" is the correct word.
To a sociopath, others are always expendable: family, friends, acquaintances. Once others have been bled dry, the sociopath moves on. Loyalty is not a part of who they are. They have no desire to change and no insight into their own behaviors and motivations. Caylee is missing, but Mom is partying and lying to both her friends and family about her daughter’s whereabouts.
Sociopaths are narcissistic and exhibitionistic, with no sense of shame. Nothing exists in their world but what they want - the ultimate “Me, Me, Me” syndrome. They are characterized by an excessive superficiality, in both thoughts and behaviors. They are easily bored and made restless by day-to-day responsibilities, an attitude which makes consistent parenting a drag and an impossibility. Sociopaths create their own reality, and in this instance, Casey’s world did not include her daughter.
Casey was a parasite, living off of others. She had no high-school education, no job, no goals, no direction. But, to hear her story, she worked at Universal Studios and was attending college. A sociopath always views his or her problems as stemming from flaws in others, rather than taking responsibility for his or her own issues and the havoc they have created.
As a sociopath, Casey wants to control her own destiny and create her own reality, abhorring any form of criticism or denigration. At some point, she might experience feelings of depression. These feelings would not be because her daughter is missing or dead, but because she lacks the freedom she craves. Having been arrested and accused, she is no longer in charge of her own fate, and for a sociopath, who values freedom more than anything else, that is devastating.
Interestingly, sociopaths like Casey will expect others to attempt to belittle or use them. At times, the sociopath will willingly act in such a manner as to induce others to legitimately respond in a hostile or angry manner. Casey has repeatedly demonstrated this with her continued lying, lack of sadness about her daughter’s disappearance, and few displays of emotions related to the fact that her daughter Caylee is missing or dead. Listening to the taped interviews, one can easily discern that Casey expresses almost no emotion when discussing her daughter’s disappearance.
Sociopaths are incapable of remaining in love, or of even selflessly loving anyone. Their sex lives are most often impersonal and chaotic, and frequently they are bisexual. There is in them an emptiness, a coldness, a disconnection from others and themselves. Casey is incapable of truly understanding how much others can be made to suffer as a result of her behavior. It does not compute.
A sociopath's motto is: Competition is king, survival the agenda, and no one is ever, ever, ever to be trusted. A sociopath's mantra: “Do unto others before they do unto you.”

George and Cindy Anthony were hardly new to the 'dysfunctional family' scenario, when news coverage began to focus on their family after the disappearance of Caylee Anthony. There had been added stress upon family ties even since the birth of Caylee, because of jealousy between Casey and her mother Cindy. Each vied for 'top spot' in little Caylee's heart, according to numerous news reports. There had even been talk at some point of George and Cindy adopting the child. Apart from the obvious there, there was also stress and strain on the family from Casey's habitual stealing from parents, family members and friends, as well as lying to all of the above about a variety of topics. Cindy strikes me as the 'cover up' kind of mother; the type who puts up with the horrendous behaviors, then covers it up herself to the outside world- (in this case, the outside world also consists of various other family members that Cindy apparently tried to hide some of Casey's behavior from).
But time has a way of bringing out hidden facts, in nearly every occasion. It was no different here with the Anthony's. After tracking down her daughter, (notice- it was Cindy who is mentioned in almost every write up of the early days in the Casey/Caylee Anthony saga, Cindy alone, no mention of George until they picked up Casey's car after it had been abandoned and impounded- it was Cindy who called the police, it was Cindy who insisted on Casey's friends telling her where Casey was, etc). Then, it was Cindy who tried to retract what she said about the smell in Casey's car smelling like a 'dead body had been in there'- she tried later to say that it was because of a bag of trash in the trunk that had been in there too long in the Florida heat. (Typical of a mother trying to cover for their child's actions). In this case, of course, thankfully, Cindy's covering for Casey has done nothing more than make Cindy look like a fool- and it hasn't stopped the authorities from getting to the real truth.
Casey Anthony parents charade her innocence in public
This link is to an article about Tim Miller, and his story, as well as information about his search for Caylee. I think it is an important read for anyone following this case.
Click Here
This is an excerpt from that article:
By the second day we were hearing about a low volunteer turn out and how Tim was meeting with Cindy and the family at home to go over details. Casey again repeated her story about leaving Caylee with a babysitter who police have been unable to confirm even exists. Tim seemed distraught, he tried to make sense of where to look.
By the third day Tim was saying he did not believe Cayleewas alive and was asking volunteers to gather to search the woods. Cindy Anthony went on national television and claimed he was wasting his time and that volunteers where not turning out because they believe Caylee is alive.
Tim again insisted he was following all leads, but wanted to search the woods. Cindy Anthony was no longer cooperating with Tim and Equusearch, she was not participating in searches nor pleading for the volunteers that were desperately needed as most families do when their loved one is missing, instead she decided to make horrid accusations about Tim only wanting to be in the media spotlight, about Tim only wanting to profit off of her missing granddaughter.
It was exposed that Cindy alerted Tim and his group to a sighting that was reported to her about Caylee being seen in Texas and she wanted Tim and his team to go back home to Texas to search for a LIVE Caylee.
Tim refused to leave. The tip was not credible, but still he sent members of the group to seek it out.
She then released a statement accusing him of wanting funding and exposure for his organization, you know, the NON-FOR PROFIT Equusearch who has helped hundreds of families in need and who are forced to turn families down because of the high rate of missing cases. The Anthony family is obviously horribly ignorant about Tim and what he does and how privileged they are to have him there to assist them.
As of last September, over 1000 pages of documents had been released by the Florida State Attorney’s Office revealing new information about the case and the relationships of some of the key players which happens to include Cindy Anthony and Dominic Casey.
Months after the Anthony’s held the Memorial Service for little Caylee Anthony, Cindy was still asking her private detective, Dominic Casey to search for a live Caylee. There were possibly hundreds of emails between the two trying to figure out how they could get other people involved in the case (which, by the way, included Leonard Padilla , Roy Kronk, Jesse Grund and Richard Grund).
Dominic Casey emailed Cindy Anthony photos of other women that could have been Zenaida Gonzalez for her to show to Casey to try and identify. There were a lot of searches made online looking for a Zenaida Gonzalez.
Dominic Casey is also said to have spent a lot of time investigating Roy Kronk, Jesse Grund, Casey’s ex-fiance, and Jesse’s father, Richard Grund. There was a mention of Richard Grund’s strange religious beliefs that might have led them to some sort of sacrifice ritual. Cindy and Dominic Casey were also trying to make some sort of a connection between Roy Kronk and Richard Grund.
There was even a chart Dominic Casey came up with for Cindy Anthony with a lit of the ‘Characters of Interest’. They have the names, background, affiliation and an ID Picture of each one on the list.
At the bottom of the chart there are notes saying large groups of protesters were coming in from Kansas, Attempts will be made to conceal cell phones in their shoes, Lois Peter threat to assault Cindy, Murt Murtaugh threat to conceal Video/Audio equipment on several attendees and Wayanne Kruger will attend with others pretending to be an advocate but will be documenting for her book she is writing on the case She will be concealing a cell phone (Blackberry/IPhone?) on a baby bag. She posts trash about the family on the blog.
Also in the documents was an email from Cindy telling one of the investigators last October that Dominic Casey was not working for Casey Anthony’s defense team yet recently Dominic Casey swore under oath to a judge that he was working for the defense team when trying to get out of being questioned under oath by Zenaida Gonzalez’s attorney’s.
And another question to be asked, which I really don't remember having seen anyone bring up yet: Zenaida Gonzalez. How many times have we heard "Zanny the Nanny"? Well, we all know that Casey was apparently pretty much into drugs, drinking, etc., right? Has everyone forgotten that Zanny is also a 'street name' for the prescription drug Xanax?
Was Casey really saying in some roundabout way that "Zanny" had taken her daughter- meaning while she was messed up on Xanax is when the crime took place?
Take a peak at some of the hundreds of photos that have been released in the case.
Here are a few links to just some of them:
Photo Gallery from MomLogic

Dominic Casey emailed Cindy Anthony photos of other women that could have been Zenaida Gonzalez for her to show to Casey to try and identify. There were a lot of searches made online looking for a Zenaida Gonzalez.
Dominic Casey is also said to have spent a lot of time investigating Roy Kronk, Jesse Grund, Casey’s ex-fiance, and Jesse’s father, Richard Grund. There was a mention of Richard Grund’s strange religious beliefs that might have led them to some sort of sacrifice ritual. Cindy and Dominic Casey were also trying to make some sort of a connection between Roy Kronk and Richard Grund.
There was even a chart Dominic Casey came up with for Cindy Anthony with a lit of the ‘Characters of Interest’. They have the names, background, affiliation and an ID Picture of each one on the list.
Several of the backgrounds listed were labeled with things such as “Threats against Family” or “Accusations against Family” and even on Kathi Belich’s background they have listed, “Reporter Disseminates hatred toward family” as does Nancy’s Grace’s. They have that Leonard Padilla carries a knife at Lower Back area in a sheath, and how Robert Dick talks about being a Weapon’s expert.
At the bottom of the chart there are notes saying large groups of protesters were coming in from Kansas, Attempts will be made to conceal cell phones in their shoes, Lois Peter threat to assault Cindy, Murt Murtaugh threat to conceal Video/Audio equipment on several attendees and Wayanne Kruger will attend with others pretending to be an advocate but will be documenting for her book she is writing on the case She will be concealing a cell phone (Blackberry/IPhone?) on a baby bag. She posts trash about the family on the blog.
Also in the documents was an email from Cindy telling one of the investigators last October that Dominic Casey was not working for Casey Anthony’s defense team yet recently Dominic Casey swore under oath to a judge that he was working for the defense team when trying to get out of being questioned under oath by Zenaida Gonzalez’s attorney’s.
And another question to be asked, which I really don't remember having seen anyone bring up yet: Zenaida Gonzalez. How many times have we heard "Zanny the Nanny"? Well, we all know that Casey was apparently pretty much into drugs, drinking, etc., right? Has everyone forgotten that Zanny is also a 'street name' for the prescription drug Xanax?
Was Casey really saying in some roundabout way that "Zanny" had taken her daughter- meaning while she was messed up on Xanax is when the crime took place?

Take a peak at some of the hundreds of photos that have been released in the case.
Here are a few links to just some of them:
Photo Gallery from MomLogic

Click below for
Check back here, or subscribe to this blog using the links on this page, there will be more blogs in this series as time permits.
It just upsets me so every time I see a picture of Caylee Anthony and think about what an incredible waste of human life her mother has shown to be. Caylee will never get to go to school, have a best friend, go to a prom, have a brother or sister, ride a bike, sell girl scout cookies, drive her first car, grow up, get married, or have children of her own. And this is because her mother was selfishly thinking of herself and how to be able to party a little more.
All I feel that we can do now, is pray that justice is served, in whatever way our good Lord Up Above sees fit. Poor little Casey deserves that much. At least we know she is in a better place, resting safe in the arms of Jesus. And if I, along with thousands of others, am wrong and it turns out that it wasn't Casey Anthony who murdered this poor sweet child, I ask my Lord up in Heaven for forgiveness now. Somehow, I have a gut instinct that I'm not wrong.
Mom Logic
Orlando Sentenial
Web Sleuths
Google News
Nancy Grace
(Make sure you check out that site for pictures- it is copyrighted, therefore I can't share some of them with you here, but most of those same pictures are available other places on the web, such as this site: http://hubpages.com/hub/caseyanthony )

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