Make sure you check out the Caylee Daily posts of recent. Included are photos of the duct tape that prosecutors say was the murder weapon that killed little Caylee.
Below is the excerpt from the Caylee Daily blog that references these pictures.
Sources close to the investigation said that a a group of new pictures released Tuesday include images of what prosecutors said is the murder weapon used to kill Caylee Anthony.
According to sources, a strip of duct tape found on Caylee’s mouth is one of three prosecutors believe were used by Casey Anthony to suffocate her daughter.
Anthony’s defense maintains the tape is just a theory and the state has no definitive proof of the murder, citing that the state failed to find Anthony’s prints on the duct tape.”The biggest problem for the defense is that there can never be an innocent explanation for duct tape being fixed on a child’s face,” Orlando defense attorney Richard Hornsby said.
Hornsby said that the number of pieces of tape and where they were placed is critical.”The fact that there was more than one piece and they were used to block the airways, clearly that’s where the state is going to argue the premeditation comes from,” Hornsby said.
The state attorney has denied comment, but in a December hearing, prosecutor Jeff Ashton first laid out his theory. “Maybe her killer saw her eyes as she applied one piece, then two, then three so that no breath was possible,” he said.
Hornsby also said that the defense is validating the state’s theory by trying to cast doubt on Roy Kronk, the former meter reader who discovered Caylee’s remains. “The defense pointing at Roy Kronk as having used duct tape, they’re admitting to tape being affixed to her face and Caylee suffocating,” Hornsby said.
Also amid the documents released are photographs of the trunk liner taken from Anthony’s white Pontiac and the rare Henkel brand of duct tape found on Caylee’s small skull. The same type of tape was used by the Anthony Enlarged photos showed a knife with a strand of something sticking to it. The photos were submitted to an FBI laboratory for testing, but the knife could not be linked to the duct tape.
The trunk liner photographs showed a flaky substance and what look like small stains. Larger stains are visible on the back of the liner
Casey Anthony, 23, is in the Orange County Jail on no bond. She is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter.Caylee’s remains were found in a wooded area off Suburban Drive near the Anthony family home in Dec. 2008.Anthony maintains a nanny by the name of Zenaida Gonzalez kidnapped Caylee.
Source: WESH NEWS Orlando Florida 5:19 pm EST February 16, 2010
Also from this site, is the following information that was gleaned from the Enquirer:
IN a dramatic jailhouse confession, Casey Anthony revealed where she buried her precious daughter’s body!The ENQUIRER has learned Casey was overheard in jail describing the exact spot where she hid her 2-year-old girl’s remains.
And it was the 23-year-old murder mom’s own description of Caylee’s grave that led a meter reader to find the child’s body, sources say.
“Casey said she was able to drive her car into the wooded area about a half-mile from her Florida home near a school,” a source close to the case disclosed.
“Then she said, ‘When I got out of the car, I tripped over these bricks.’ She said she buried Caylee’s body nearby, and it was about 80 feet from the road.”
Casey’s stunning jailhouse admission, which prosecutors are now trying to use as evidence, came not long after she was arrested in July 2008, according to the source.
Her detailed description of Caylee’s final resting place was overheard by a prison employee at the Orange County Jail in Orlando, and spread among other staffers there, the source said.
Meter reader Roy Kronk heard the story from a female friend who works at the jail and decided to search for Caylee’s body, said the source.
In August 2008, he trudged into the woods near the location that had been described to him.
“Kronk was looking for the bricks that Casey said she tripped over,” said the source. “He found some brick pavers, but they weren’t the right ones.”
Kronk called the police with tips about Caylee’s location three times that month, but a deputy sheriff dispatched to the area didn’t do a thorough search.
A tropical storm then drenched the Orlando area and the wooded area became a swamp. But that didn’t deter Kronk.
Two weeks before Thanksgiving 2008, his son Brandon said Kronk told him: “I know where Caylee is, and I’m going to go get her.”
On Dec. 11, 2008, Kronk returned to the site and found Caylee’s remains.
“The only reason Roy Kronk found Caylee is that the body’s location had come to him in a roundabout way from Casey Anthony herself,” said the source.
Prosecutors learned about Casey’s jailhouse confession only recently, and filed a motion on Feb. 3 asking for a private meeting with the judge presiding over pre-trial hearings in the case.
According to the motion, prosecutors want the judge to delay their obligation to reveal the information to Casey’s attorneys as they continue to evaluate the new evidence.
Casey, who has pleaded not guilty, is facing the death penalty. Her admission could provide the key proof that leads to her conviction. SOURCE: NATIONAL ENQUIRER
And Finally, this:

Eyewitness News was in court when the defense claimed they had proof that someone else killed Caylee. So, where is that proof? In a word, nowhere.
The defense was supposed to produce it to prosecutors two weeks ago. Nothing in the 12,419 pages of evidence released so far, including the newly-released photos of laser testing for body fluids on the carpeting in Casey Anthony’s trunk and evidence found by WFTV of more of the rare duct tape connected to the Anthonys that matches up to the tape found over Caylee’s nose and mouth, shows anyone but Casey was involved.
“It is certainly consistent with the state’s theory of the case, reinforces the state’s theory of the case and inconsistent with what we’re hearing from the defense that it could’ve been someone else involved with this crime,” Sheaffer told Eyewitness News Tuesday.
Six months ago, the defense said it had substantial evidence that someone else put Caylee’s body in the woods after Casey was locked up on no bond. The judge’s deadline for the defense to produce that evidence was two weeks ago.
It never happened, but the defense is still trying to get documents from EquuSearch volunteers and trying to convince prosecutors to focus on former meter reader Roy Kronk, who found Caylee’s remains in the woods and says he first saw them there months earlier.
“The time has come to produce it. They haven’t been able to, so what do they do? They go out and keep fishing and hope like heck they catch that fish,” Sheaffer said.
Now, prosecutors might have new evidence against Casey. Investigators are looking into it and prosecutors are asking for a hearing with the judge so they can keep it a secret even from the defense until they sort it all out.