Thursday, May 31, 2007
31-year-old mother of two, beloved by many, Erin LeeAnn Wade Jones was murdered earlier this month after breaking up with Dodge City Police Officer Chris Tahah recently - afraid of him, saying she felt stalked. She was shot in the head - her mother says, execution style. Tahah was fired when he became a suspect in her murder. He fled, committed more crimes and is being held right now in Colorado.
Kansas waits.
I would say justice waits, but what is Justice when Erin is already gone?
On Erin's Myspace, now made private, she wrote
"...I consider myself to be a very kind, down to earth person, a friend to all and I like to show people that life is what you make of it. There's bound to be down times and tragedies in life, but you have to pick yourself up and move on! Lord I know after the year I've had..."
Fired Officer Tahah's page - since deleted by MySpace - was frightening to me - both in words, the music playing, and the music lined up to play next. I copied it before it was inaccessible also, and here is a section of it - made small and clickable so that those who opt not to see, don't have to:
"You Reaped the Whirlwind, Here Comes the Thunder....
I'm Comin' , and Hell's Comin' with Me!!!"
Posted by Behind The Blue Wall on 5/31/2007
Cloud_Writer said...
From one of Erin's friends:
07/06/07 3:10PM
My girl Erin
Well as of yesterday the 5th it has been two months since my dearest friend Erin was taking from us. Days go by and I still can't believe that I am here and she is not. Why someone so hatefully can take someone that was so wonderful away from us. I miss her so much and I can't believe that she is gone. Never in my life did I ever think that I would stand in front of a grave and know that my best friend was dead!! The hardest thing I have ever done in my life is try to say good bye to her. But even when I was saying my bye I never told her good bye. Good bye is forever!! I know that I will see her again. Her and I will be together again one day. for the past week I have seen her kids almost every day and they bring so much joy to me. Being around them makes me so happy. I want to put them in my arms and never let go. They mean so much to!! I am so sorry for there lose and I hope that the both of them know how much there mother really loved them.
As for the asswhole that took her from us. He will get what he deserves. I hope that he realizes what he has done to so many people and to the lives of two very wonderful children. I know that when he goes to prison they will not be nice to him there but I want him to pay for what he has done. He has destroyed so many lives, not just her life.
December 09, 2007
Cloud_Writer said...
A guestbook entry that stood out to me:
Melissa Hensley
Dodge City, Kansas
May 9, 2007 1:13 PM
First my condolences go out to Erin's family. Erin was a great person and friend. She always had a way to make you smile. There is one memory here recently that we share. I had won some tickets to the legends game over the radio. Erin must have been listing to the raido at work cause shortly after that I recieved a text on my phone that said "Aren't you suppost to be working and not talking on the radio". I text her back and said that she had caught me. I let her have the tickets cause I couldn't go that evening. I never had the chance to ask her how it was.There is one thing that I know everyone would agree with and that is that Erin was a kind and loving person. She was the kind of friend that everyone wanted around. Erin, we love you and miss you very much. Always know that you will be in my heart and memories. God Bless you!! Rest in Peace my dear friend....
December 09, 2007
Dodge City murder charge upgraded
Associated Press
Jan. 24, 2008
Prosecutors have upgraded the murder charge against a former Dodge City police officer accused of killing his ex-girlfriend. Ford County Attorney John Sauer upgraded the charge from second-degree to first-degree murder just before a preliminary hearing Tuesday, during which Chris Tahah was bound over for trial in the May 5 death of Erin Jones. Tahah also is charged with criminal discharge of a firearm at an occupied dwelling...
Tahah showed little emotion during Tuesday's hearing, which featured testimony from several investigators and friends of Jones. Ford County Attorney John Sauer also played a videotaped interview... During the interview, Tahah recounted waiting for Jones outside her home, saying he didn't mean to shoot his gun. "I was telling myself this was no good. As I was lowering the gun, a round went off," Tahah said. Tahah also told Kendrick that he was upset with Jones because she did not give him a good reason for breaking up with him the month before. Tahah also said he went to Jones' house after seeing her at a bar dancing with another man. "How'd she hurt you, Chris?" Kendrick asked Tahah. "I think I know." "I wanted to be her guy," Tahah said... Jones, who worked as a bank teller in Dodge City, had two children. She was known in Dodge City for her performances with the Homestead Theater.