Saturday, September 19, 2009

Breaking News: Richard Alden Samuel McCroskey III and the Murders in Farmville

FARMVILLE, Va. — A 20-year-old man suspected of killing four people in a central Virginia college town was arrested at an airport Saturday, where he apparently tried to catch a flight to California, authorities said.

Richard Alden Samuel McCroskey III was arrested by Richmond International Airport police officers who found him asleep in the baggage claim area, said airport spokesman Troy Bell.

Farmville police found the bodies Friday afternoon in the home of Debra Kelly, an associate professor of sociology and criminal justice studies at Longwood University, school spokeswoman Gina Caldwell said Saturday.

Investigator Andy Ellington said authorities are awaiting identification of the bodies from the state medical examiner's office, but that probably would not happen until Monday. He said he was not in a position to discuss the case — including how the bodies were found or the cause of death — because he was with McCroskey, who was being transported back to Farmville.

Police had sent flyers to authorities elsewhere to help identify McCroskey.

McCroskey showed identification when officers approached him, did not resist and did not have any weapons with him, Bell said. He was being held at the airport until Farmville police came for him, and has been charged with murder, robbery and grand larceny.

State police were assisting in the investigation in Farmville, about 50 miles west of Richmond.

Longwood did not issue an alert after the bodies were discovered because it happened off campus, Caldwell said. She said the 4,500-student school and the small town were not accustomed to such violence.

"Not only on campus, but even in Farmville — it just doesn't happen here," she said.

After doing a little digging around on the internet, I came upon this:
MySpace Blog by SKR/WIR?? 
Now, I haven't a clue what this myspacer is all about. I'm not sure I would WANT to know, after viewing some of the profiles assoicated with the suspect, this being one of them. More on that in a few minutes. Here's the blog:
Saturday, September 19, 2009 SKR / WIR Press Release Regarding The Deaths Of Emma Kelly / Melanie Wells
Current mood: shocked
Category: Life
On behalf of myself, (SickTanicK / A.S. DBA : Killmusick) & Syniister (Owner Of W.I.R / E.D. DBA : Wicked Intent Records)

The following is a public press release regarding the recent incidents involving the Murder(s) of one Emma Kelly (AKA Ragdoll) Melanie Wells (AKA Free Abortions) and Emma Kelly's parents, in Farmville Virginia shortly after the first annual Strictly For The Wicked Festival, in regards also to the current suspect in the murder(s), Sam McCrosky (AKA LilDemonDog).

We would like to firstly and most importantly send our deepest regards, respects, and condolences to all of the families involved. This was as much of a shock to us, as were sure it has been to everyone else involved, and this tragedy will forever impact the rest of our lives as we are sure it has impacted yours.

At this time, it is not our place to disclose any details (out of respect not only for the legal issues, but more importantly the families involved). Both Emma & Melanie were HUGE SKR/WIR Supporters and it breaks our hearts to know such acts were commited to them, both of these beautiful peoples lifes were cut short (along with Emmas Parents), and we will miss them dearly and whole heartedly.

We would also like to add, that neither SKR or WIR condone the actions commited in any way shape or form, people make their own choices in life, be it right, be it wrong, it comes down to a individuals choice to make a decision, and in no way did we have a part of the decision nor do we condone it.

As of now, all that we are able to disclose is that the suspect in question, murdered all four of the above mentioned individuals, shortly after arriving in Farmville Virginia, and is currently on the run from law enforcement. Sam, if you are reading this, we STRONGLY encourage you to do the right thing and turn yourself in to the police, we emplore you and please ask you to do so.

Please do NOT contact either one of us, or our affiliates regarding this situation, legally we cannot disclose ANY information to you, have some respect in this time of grief, also with that being said, there are a LOT of rumors about this situation going around, i assure you, if you do not hear it from us, or DIRECTLY from the mouths of families involved (which is obviously doubtful because they are currently dealing with this horrible tragedy) Then they should be disregarded, we are in first hand contact with the detectives and families involved and will keep everyone updated
when legally we can.

More information will be provided as soon as we are legally allowed to do so,
once again, our deepest condolences and respects to the families involved, as well as to the victims of this crime, we will keep your memories alive, and you will never be forgotten, as you will be missed by many, we will ensure your eternal existance in the minds in hearts of those whose lives
you have affected.

Rest In Peace Good Freinds, We Will Miss You.

With love and Respect Always,

(SickTanicK / A.S. DBA : Killmusick).

Syniister (Owner Of W.I.R / E.D. DBA : Wicked Intent Records).

The following is from me, (SickTanicK) -

Im going to tell what happened from our angle of the aspect, i will be leaving certain details out being that legally i cannot disclose them at this time as i have been asked not to by law enforcement.

A phone call was placed in the early morning hours of 9 - 19 - 2009 from Melanie Wells mother to Razakel, regarding the whereabouts of her daughter being that Neither Emma or her Parents could be reached at the time, she was due home and had not arrived and had becomed worried.

Myself and Razakel became concerned and contacted various people trying to locate the individuals in question (Melanie, Emma & Sam) and were unable to reach anyone.

Shortly after i recieved a phone call from a individual stating that the Suspect in the murders had contacted them saying he had "killed" everyone. This caused me great concern being that we ourselves could not reach the parents or subjects in question.

At that point i took it upon myself to contact the Farmville Police Department and inform them of a possible homicide at the kelly residence. My statement was taken, and officers were dispatched to the scene shortly thereafter. ( i had the address because purchases had been made via the killmusick store ).

I have personally been in contact with Melanie & Sam's family, trying my best to keep them updated with any information i was givin by the detectives to whom which at this point i was in hourly
contact with.

I was later informed by certain parties that the victims were indeed murdered and that sam was no where to be found, it was at this point i took it upon myself to contact the wells family and inform
them sadly that i had been informed that their daughter had been murdered, the wells family had not been contacted at this point by any law enforcement, and i felt it to be my obligation as a human being
to inform them of what had happened, i reffered to them the phone number of the detective to whom i had been in regular contact with at that point in time.

Because of all these factors, as well as others i cantlegally mention at this time, is why
we have refrained and asked others to refrain from speaking about this incident, the victims names
had not been released at that time and legally i could not confirm nor deny the victims names due to the ongoing police investigation. THAT is why i remained silent, not because i was "hiding" anything as some of these internet IDIOTS would like to say and think, NONE THE LESS AND MORE IMPORTANTLY i felt it was VITAL that the families of the victims be informed BEFORE ANYONE ELSE, PERIOD, THAT IS RESPECT, NOT JUMPING AT THE FIRST OPPORTUNITY TO POST OF VICTIMS NAMES ON THE INTERNET BEFORE THE FAMILIES EVEN KNEW.

I never imagined i would ever hafto tell one of our fans mothers that their daughters life was taken from her, sadly before she had been contacted by law enforcement (however, in the polices defense, at that point, they had still not properly identified the bodies im sure) I feel absolutely horrible for their loss, and i have extended my hand to them, to help in any way i can, anytime, day or night morning or evening, under ANY circumstance, they know i am here for them.

Normally, i would not get involved with anything related to the police, but this one hits at home being that all parties involved i knew on a personal level, and on a "fan" level, i felt it was my obligation to them to do anything and everything in my power to help this situation to the best of my ability, we all had
just hung out with all the parties involved with this not even a week before at the festival. This is truly disturbing and has had a major impact on everybody. Words cannot express how i feel at this point,
but my pain and sorrow is but a needle in a haystack compaired to the families involved, we all loved these young ladies, they were great people and amazing supporters, fans, & friends, they loved us,
and we loved, and still do love them, and they will NEVER be forgotten.

Outside of the above statements im not willing, nor legally able to discuss any further details,i just wanted to make it CLEAR as to why i was telling people to stop posting up RUMORS and i wanted to make it clear of why there was a silence on our end, once again, people can say whatever they like about us, and about this situation, while they wasted energy typing up internet hate about "how badly we use and treat our fans" i was on the phone with the mother of one of the victims,
i was on the phone with police trying to help, and even now at 1:00 AM in the morning, i am still in regular contact with everybody trying my best to help, we respect and love every single one of our fans and our true fans know that, this festival proved that, we proved that, to say otherwise is ignorant, biast, and disgraceful to the memories of the loved ones lost in thie horrible tragedy.

My heart goes out to the families and victims and to the fellow fans that lost one of their own,this is truly and horrible and sad day.

You will always be loved and will be forever missed, as we, as artists, will be forever indebted to you for your support over the years.

With Sadness, Love & Respect for the Deceased.


UPDATE : 9 - 19 - 2009 - Suspect Sam McCroskey Has Been Captured

Personal Update : 9 - 19 - 2009

In this horrible tragedy, people are already trying to make "beef" issues out of this, people are tryna call me a "snitch" and are calling us "snitchin on killers records" which is hilarious in my opinion, i did what was right and what was just for the girls that sadly lost thier lives, in no way above did i say "Sam Did It" i reffered to him as a suspect and a suspect only, all you gotta do is ACTUALLY READ what i posted, but obviously people are dislexic and or mental retarded.If i did what happened to those poor girls, i would expect to get caught, i would expect to get snitched on, and i would expect to pay my dues for the crime(s) i commited, anyone who is REALLY from the streets knows, if you do the crime, you gotta be ready for the reprocutions, be it street justice, or be it legal. These girls were personal friends of ours and i owe it to them to be supportive in this horrible time, i owe everything to them, so if you wanna call me a snitch, SO BE IT, ive been called a LOT of things, and it does not bother me. None the less, when i got SAMS FAMILY in regular contact with ME, and they have no ill will tword me, why should i care what any of you say or think, you all are pitiful wastes of the air i breathe, trying to spark beef out of this, and i wish you nothing but the worst in your lives, i hope someone close to YOU gets murdered so you can feel this pain. Call me a snitch, but if you were in MY SHOES the tables would be turned.I never said Sam did it, i dont know if he did or didn't, even if i did, legally i could not say, its "innocent till proven guilty" in America.This is last im gunna talk about this, any other remarks should be addressed to my FACE.Theres more important things happening in this situation, but i felt obligated to post about this in defense of myself and my actions, anyone in their RIGHT MINDS would fully understand and agree.-Sick

That is the blog I found.
Here's a link to the suspect's myspace page:

And, just some of the comments posted by one of his victims': (Her profile is private)
RagD0LL[RazsDolly♥Queenliest Dead]-U.A-10/6

LiLdEmOnDoG [Out of Town]'s Friends Comments
Displaying 25 of 857 comments ( View All | Add Comment )
RagD0LL[RazsDolly♥Queenliest Dead]-U.A-10/6

Sep 7 2009 6:14 PM

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwe baby<33
the next time you check your myspace, YOULL BE AT MY HOUSE!
mwahahah >:D<333333
i cant waiiiit to see you baby
its like 6:17AM, and ive been up since 4ish filled with uber amounts of excitment >.<
i cant wait :D
i leave to pick you up in f i v e hourse<3
my insides feel all squishy♥
i love you sooo SO much baby; forever and for always :]]
RagD0LL[RazsDolly♥Queenliest Dead]-U.A-10/6

Sep 5 2009 2:37 PM

Babyyy you leave TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!! :DDDD
and then tomorrw i see youuuuu!!!!!!!!!! :x
i cant fucking wait<3333
my time with you is gonna be the absolute best everrrr :]]]
i love you ♥♥
RagD0LL[RazsDolly♥Queenliest Dead]-U.A-10/6

Sep 3 2009 2:59 AM

Babbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! :]]
only T H R E E more fucking days till i see you!!!!!
i have so much left to do hahah :xxx
butbut im SO excited<3
to simply put it;
your absolutly amazing baby♥♥
I love you :]]

RagD0LL[RazsDolly♥Queenliest Dead]-U.A-10/6

Aug 19 2009 12:32 PM

so i have no cute icons today D:
just corny words lol
butbut theyre very TRUE corny words ^.^

i love you more than anything in this world sam<3
the stuff you said the other day about being each others soul mates and what not,
i completly agree :]]
18days till i can see the most amazing boy everrrrrrrrr<33333333333
its gona be unbeleivably PERFECT :D!!!!!!1
gahh i cant wait :x i have to pee now.
anywaysss i love you miztuh.mayne ♥
forever&for always. not a day less :]
RagD0LL[RazsDolly♥Queenliest Dead]-U.A-10/6

Aug 16 2009 2:39 PM

Awwwwwwe baby i loveloveloveLOVE that comment :)
and goddamnit i fucking miss you :[
seriously im all hewohdfsjlkjsdio because i havent talked you :[
butttt hopefully ill get to today for more than 5mins :x

only 19days till im with the love of my life,the MOST amazingsweetcaringsexywonderful MANNN ever :]
and im not gona let you go fr one sec.
you will honestly never know how much you really mean to me.

I love you more than anything & anyone.
RagD0LL[RazsDolly♥Queenliest Dead]-U.A-10/6

Aug 24 2009 2:10 AM

*counts down the days till you get here*... *gets all excited and has to pee" :x
and the fact that im smoking doesnt help
so youll see all these lame ass movies on my netflix
i love you babyy
sleepyhead you need to answer yo phoneeeee♥
RagD0LL[RazsDolly♥Queenliest Dead]-U.A-10/6

Aug 23 2009 1:04 PM

I miss you :[
So much.
I have a feeling of emptiness :|

Aug 19 2009 12:32 PM

so i have no cute icons today D:
just corny words lol
butbut theyre very TRUE corny words ^.^

i love you more than anything in this world sam<3
the stuff you said the other day about being each others soul mates and what not,
i completly agree :]]
18days till i can see the most amazing boy everrrrrrrrr<33333333333
its gona be unbeleivably PERFECT :D!!!!!!1
gahh i cant wait :x i have to pee now.
anywaysss i love you miztuh.mayne ♥
forever&for always. not a day less :]
RagD0LL[RazsDolly♥Queenliest Dead]-U.A-10/6

Aug 16 2009 2:39 PM

Awwwwwwe baby i loveloveloveLOVE that comment :)
and goddamnit i fucking miss you :[
seriously im all hewohdfsjlkjsdio because i havent talked you :[
butttt hopefully ill get to today for more than 5mins :x

only 19days till im with the love of my life,the MOST amazingsweetcaringsexywonderful MANNN ever :]
and im not gona let you go fr one sec.
you will honestly never know how much you really mean to me.

I love you more than anything & anyone.
All of that from this:
RagD0LL[RazsDolly♥Queenliest Dead]-U.A-10/6


 While "RagDoll"'s profile may be private, here is a something I found on the profile of another of Mr. McCroskey's commenters that WASN'T private:

 Perv Bxtch
21 / Female
Ya daddys bed, US
Last Login: 9/15/2009

+P3Rv@l!c!0u$+ [SKR U-A] RIP doll N mel! we luv ya 
Status and Mood
Perv Bxtch Still cant believe it! R.I.P. EMMA, MEL, N EMMAS PARENTS!! you girls will always be in my heart!
Mood: (none)
Posted 4 hours ago from mobile

Perv Bxtch Still cant believe it! R.I.P. EMMA, MEL, N EMMAS PARENTS!! you girls will always be in my heart!
Mood: sad
Posted 7 hours ago from mobile

Perv Bxtch Still cant believe it! R.I.P. EMMA N MEL!!
Mood: sad
Posted 7 hours ago from mobile

Perv Bxtch Still waitin fer more info! I cant fucken believe this!!! Im trippen so bad! Im just wonderin why??
Mood: sad/worried
Posted 9 hours ago from mobile

Perv Bxtch Cant fucken sleep!! Waitin fer more info. I cant fucken believe this!!!
Mood: sad
Posted 16 hours ago from mobile
well my name is 21 yrs young! haha. im single but not lookin right now. anyway im down wit SKR FER LIFE! if you another hater get the fuck off my page or delete me. damn i dont know what else to say so if you wanna know more hit me up wit a comment or a message. oh btw I LOVE RAPE, PORN, BLOOD, LIL KIDZ, PRIESTS, MURDER,N ALL THAT GOOD SHIT!!! I ALSO THINK THAT STITCH MOUTH IS THE HOTTEST PERV IVE SEEN!!! IMA RAPE HIM SUMDAY!!! HAHAHA sorry if i dont get back at ya right away but ill try my best. last but not least if you fake dont fucken bother adding me cuz......
and it goes ON......
 Oh, and this one:
'Miss Dead Kitten' ??????
Can you BELIEVE this?
This is the kind of things these people were into???????
I'm not making assumptions, it's right THERE in black and white on their public myspace pages. Or, whatEver color pages they are. I suppose it's a good thing we don't have things like real fake blood we can put our hands into on web pages yet, cause these people would probably have it on there. Call me old fashioned, or whatever, but this is SICK stuff to post on the web- period. Seems like the least these perverts could have done was took the time to make their pages private after something like this happened, but who knows, maybe they are proud of it or something. 'Sick' is right.

 Samuel McCroskey, below:


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